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wrecking ball造句

"wrecking ball"是什么意思  
  • In beijing and other northern cities , traditional homes with kangs have fallen to the wrecking ball ( = demolished ) ( look for picture ) , making way for apartment blocks with steam radiators
  • By working as fast as ever , flo helps each of her friends upgrade their restaurants , expand their businesses , and pay their rent , all in the hopes of escaping the wrecking ball and a disastrous mega multiplex food plaza
    要工作比以前更加快, flo帮助她的朋友们升级餐馆和扩张生意,帮他们付房租,所有这些都只为了一个希望:逃离面临倒闭的现状和一个大型的美食广场对他们毁灭性的打击!
  • It's difficult to see wrecking ball in a sentence. 用wrecking ball造句挺难的
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